Man looking through a detached camera lens


Kiplin Batchelor

It is interesting how many leaders and organizations often get so fixated on achieving big goals that they either forget, ignore or pay little attention to how important clarity is in relation to achieving their goals. Clarity, the state of being clear, is one of the most underrated and underestimated facets of leadership in general and organizational leadership in particular, yet, the truth is, success cannot be achieved or sustained without clarity.    

It is not good enough for followers and their leaders to only know the goals of their organization or church; followers, employees, volunteers or church members, need a clear understanding of how their leader or leadership team will create, pursue and reach the goals. Clarity serves like a roadmap or GPS system in an organization. It is the source of meaningful direction to keep everyone focused and functional.

When leaders lead with clarity, followers know exactly where they are going, how to get there, what it will take, the cost to get there and who to have or not have on a team. Clarity refines and protects an entity’s identity and its stated purpose, and allows for accountability and measurement of growth. Clarity facilitates effective decision making and strategic planning, but confusion creates operational dysfunction and waste of time, human effort and financial resources. God is not the author of confusion! The devil is! Whenever a church, school or business exists in chaos, the enemy is present at work.

Clarity is necessary! It brings order and stability in organizational leadership. Workers understand their roles and are not confused about what they are expected to do or not do, including who they report to. More often than usual, the absence of clarity in one’s job duties and scope of responsibilities is the source of conflicts and tensions that erupt between or among employees or volunteers.

Whenever there is no clarity in leadership, followers will inevitably become confused, disillusioned and frustrated overtime with their leader and the organization that they have committed themselves to serve at. No matter how gifted or anointed a leader is, followers will quit whenever clarity becomes scarce. Is your leadership defined by confusion or clarity?