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Business: Owning 100% of your 1%

Trevor Hartley

As a leader, you will often find yourself in a leadership position because your thinking is the right thinking. But each of us has blind spots, and blind spots can prevent us from accurately evaluating situations and challenges. This is where humility is needed – what we call owning 100% of your 1%. It is easy to identify another person’s part in any problem because we judge others based on their actions and ourselves based on our intention – this is why so many issues go unresolved. But, if someone will acknowledge their 1% of the problem an fully embrace that 1%, there is a real chance for positive change. As part of what is widely regarded as the most profound message in shifting human culture ever spoken, Jesus of Nazareth instructed people to deal with the log in your eye before trying to attend to the speck in your brother’s eye (Matthew 7:3-5).

Many leaders are pretty comfortable acknowledging that they know they aren’t perfect. Still, unless they are willing to own their contribution to a problem and be ready to work on it and change, it is only a thin veil of humility. Understanding does not = healing. Clarity does not = restoration! In a recent Business Forum event, we covered a simple activity that assists leaders in owning 100% of their 1% to see positive change. It’s called the Left Page – Right Page exercise, and here’s how it works.

Step 1, take a simple piece of blank paper and fold it down the middle. Step 2, write down the situations or challenges leaving you most frustrated on the left-hand side of the page. On the right-hand side, write down the role that you may have played in the issue or problem. For example, leaders may feel frustrated with the performance of their employees. When in reality, we hired poorly, haven’t reviewed or trained our employees well, and haven’t created or inspired others with a clear vision for the future. Finally, in Step 3, commit to what action you need to take to own 100% of your 1% and to see positive change in your area of frustration. This simple process can help anytime, anywhere! Whether dealing with a spouse, engaging with your children, or coming up with a solution to a business issue. As leaders, we are influencing the good and bad behaviour of everyone we lead. So, let’s start leading with humility and owning 100% of our 1% before looking to other people to change.